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Friday, December 23, 2005

Podcast 3 Controversies: Is the V/Q scan dead? Spending radiation wisely

Podcast 3 Controversies: is the V/Q scan dead? Spending radiation wisely
We have had to put of part 2 of our look at the new 3D reconstruction methodologies until next time meanwhile some holiday controversies so mull over.
Is the V/Q scan dead? Why the USA may differ from elsewhere.
Spending radiation wisely, why dose limits should be coupled with count advisories so our patients can get the best bang for their radiation buck.
All feedback, MP3 files, Logo designs, questions to be answered and help most welcome.

link to audio file

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Podcast 2: Interview with Dr Ling X. Shao about "Astonish"

Podcast 2: Part 1 of a series featuring interviews with makers of resolution recovery SPECT reconstruction software. The interview in this podcast features DrLing X. Shao, PhD from Phillips who will be talking about astonish.
Plus nucmed tips and tricks. Any suggestions and comments and contributions of all types most welcome.

link to audio file

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Podcast Number ONE

Welcome to the first Nuclear and Molecular medicine podcast.
This podcast is intended to be a community podcast with you the nuclear medicine professionals and users as the driving force. Please email suggestions, audio comments, and volunteers for podcast interviews.
Here is the link to the podcast

link to audio file